Re-cap Of The Tyra Show Today
Ok So Tyra says that she was in Australia doing a photo shoot (I thought she was retired, trying to pull a young hov on us), which would explain that crazy ass pose. But overall the show was pretty boring Because I'm so sick of hearing about this issue. Which is why this will be short. She started off the in the infamous bathing suit, and on the verge of tears to the media to kiss her fat ass. Then she talked about a model who died from anerexia. She had a full figured model expressing her opinion, a model who is an anerexic in denial, and just some regular old model. They all went at it. Then she had an anerexic mother and blah blah blah... Personally I think TYRA IS BEAUTIFUL. SHE LOOKS GOOD WITH SOME WEIGHT ON HER. As many people have stated time and time again 60% of america wears a size 12 and above. To be a grown ass woman and you are 90 pounds and below is not normal. YOU ARE SICK, PLZ GET HELP. That shit aint sexy.
And there it is from the hot youngsta,
If they ask where you heard it, just tell em' JAS TOLD YA
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